Ein Zebrastreifen wird zum Street-Piano, Architekturvermittlung mit Lehrlingen © LBS 7, ORTLOS

Cover der Publikation Architekturvermittlung mit Lehrlingen 2005 - 2011 © ORTLOS | Gudrun Jöller | FilmKulturKonzepte
since 2005
ORTLOS space engineering, Graz / London
KulturKontakt Austria
The interdisciplinary team from ORTLOS space engineering, association for the promotion of innovative architecture and interface design, developed since 2005 the series "Architecture of Happiness" - teaching architecture to apprentices and schoolchildren.
The mediated skills and techniques span the arc from architecture over Photography, radio, 3D animation, graphics, model making, collages, video and audio production up to web 2.0
The projects of the years 2005 to 2011 were published in the publication "Architecture Connects".
BMUKK award for LBS 7 Graz & the series Architecture of happiness "Kunst macht Lehre. One step ahead with cultural education!" . The award recognizes particularly committed activities to convey art and culture in apprenticeship training.