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Film ab...!

since 2014


Constantinus Award 2016
1st place Personal & Training

Nominated State Prize Consulting 2016
for the value project with Kastner&Öhler


Special prize Good Practice 2019  for the customer project "Mosaic of Talents" by SSI Schäfer und Mosaik GmbH


Based on dealing with art and culture, apprentices are taught a wide range of key skills in the workshop. Different competencies are brought into focus depending on the needs of the company and the trainees.

The discussion initially takes place on an abstract level. The analysis of a film or the production of a newspaper enable a distanced view of a certain topic. In the next step, this is transferred to the personal level.  


In the workshop we lay the foundation for independent and structured learning. Together with the apprentices, we develop action strategies and solutions that they can use effectively in everyday life.

Gudrun Jöller, film educator and Gestalt pedagogue, and Manuela Grundner, systemic coach and art historian, combine methods from film analysis, cultural mediation and coaching in a new way in the workshop series.


Detailed program at:

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